Jay’s 9th Scoop
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Sorry for not putting a ‘Scoop’ out in a few weeks...I am a slacker.

Here is the latest...

Probably not great to hear that ‘Inbox Activity’ is up 22% in the last 2 weeks. ‘Inbox Activity’ is NOT when emails get opened or clicked but rather when someone is in their actual inbox doing anything.
It’s not great to hear that this is UP because over the last 18 months it has tied pretty closely to the pandemic itself. So, no surprise by the numbers but would prefer otherwise.

Does this mean anything for marketers? Open Rates have seen a small uptick overall the past 2 weeks:

Overall Email Open Rates Last 2 Weeks:

So, if you are seeing somewhat better performance you should factor in this overall lift for now.

(In case you don’t read this whole newsletter...I am doing my FIRST LINKEDIN LIVE Webinar in 2 weeks – sign up to attend if you get a chance – https://www.linkedin.com/events/dothis-notthatforq3-emailbestpr6821783154181980160/)

iOS 15 Freak-out:
At this point you likely have heard that APPLE is going to make a change to its iOS (mobile operating system) that will impact the ability for email marketers to track open rates and do marketing automation based on opened emails. If this is news to you, I would recommend googling “iOS 15 Email Marketing” and have a garbage nearby in case nausea sets in.

If you are aware of the pending doom here is my two cents on what you should do for now...

Work with your ESP/Marketing Automation provider NOW to determine how many subscribers open your email on an iOS device. THIS IS NOT HARD TO DO. Sounds complicated but it’s literally one discussion with your provider and then you have the data.
Result: You will know that 40% of your database uses iOS for email and now you have them flagged. Great!

Benchmark open and click rates across your entire list and segments, such as recent purchasers and unengaged subscribers. Also, benchmark by type of emails...Offer related, newsletter, transactional.
Result: Now you will have the baseline number from which to discount against.

Step 3:
When the new iOS update happens in late September you will see your open and clicks drop dramatically but you will be prepared. Take your benchmark numbers and discount them by the % of your database that you identified to be using iOS for email and you will have a pretty good read on your ‘Open Rates’ per campaign.
Example: Metrics as of October 2021:

Step 4:
This tracking plan above is a temporary one, and over-time solutions and tools will be released that make all this easier and viable. Email marketing is not going anywhere, and this is just another hurdle in the long history of email to overcome. 

Embarrassing Question:
Using a ‘question’ as your subject line is a no brainer. We know that. Average open rates rise over 20% for both BtoB and BtoC when your subject line is written as a question:

Example: What is Driving Technology Spend Today?

This is not new...BUT, we have seen a number of tests recently with a different spin on this that is doing PHENOMENAL!
Asking the most ‘EMBARRASING QUESTION’ possible. What does this mean exactly?

BtoB Example:
So What Exactly Does Customer Experience (CX) Mean?

BtoC Example:
How Do You Actually Place an Order With UberEats?

‘Embarrassing Question’ Open Rates When Used in Subject Line:
BtoB: Increase Open Rate: 31%
BtoC: Increase Open Rate: 28%

Why does this work so well? There are questions in every industry and every audience that we all feel like ‘we should know’ and don’t want to ask because you are too deep into that area to not know already. This is why it’s embarrassing. By asking the most obvious questions your audience is likely to read your email and it becomes a ‘must open’. 

It is sort of a random test idea but really has worked well in the tests that we have seen marketers run over the last 90 days. Give it a try!

Since You Didn’t Ask:
Ok, now onto the totally useless part of this thing...

Manifest: (Netflix) I know I am late to the game on this one but it’s good. Only on episode 11. Worried it will ‘jump the shark’ soon but we will see.

Alone: (Netflix and Hulu) Again, I am so late to the game on this. It’s like Naked and Afraid on steroids with clothes on. Very addictive.

Pizza. I need to stop. Really nothing more than that on this topic.

Someone asked me “If BLANK was an Olympic event, I would totally take the gold”.
My BLANK is 100% still having clothes in my closet from over 20 years ago. It’s weird and sort of gross. Need to work on that. What is your BLANK?

BIG BTW...I am doing a new WEBINAR but it will be my FRIST LinkedIn Live Event – totally free – click here to attend – https://www.linkedin.com/events/dothis-notthatforq3-emailbestpr6821783154181980160/. Thanks for checking it out!!!

Until next time....


p.s. pass along to a friend if you think they may want to sign up....www.JaySchwedelson.com

AND – PAST ISSUES OF SCOOP ARE NOW LIVE AT https://jayschwedelson.com/Scoops

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