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Let your prospects YELL at you! Call-to-Action Buttons with EXCLAMATION POINTS Increase Click-Through Rates by 17%!!!


Don’t overuse this tactic and have them everywhere. You can’t be excited about everything unless you work for the Weather Channel.

Pre-Header Trend…

First, what is a PRE-HEADER?

A preheader is the text following the subject line when an email is previewed. A preheader is one of the first things an email recipient sees when viewing an email.

Almost every email sending platform has an easy way to plug in the pre-header text you want to use. If for some reason your tool does not here is a link that goes over actual code you can use to put it in yourself - https://www.activecampaign.com/blog/email-preheader

Now the Pre-Header Trend…Stop reading immediately if you are not using the pre-header space for anything other than information about your offer. It is a total fail to use this valuable real estate for things like “View on a web page’”.

Now that we know the pre-header should include details about your offer, we can get on to the trend which is to include EMOJIs in the preheader (see image above).

Test it! Costs you nothing. Easy to do. And over the last 60 days it is increasing open rates by 14%.

Business to Business Trend:

INDUSTRY Mentioned in Subject Line Increasing Open Rates by 22% Last 30 Days.


Since You Didn’t Ask...

For any new readers of ‘Scoop’ this is where I share stuff that has nothing to do with anything that is actually helpful or useful...


THE BACHELOR (ABC) – I know I am the only watching this show. I don’t care. I am still going to talk about it. This guy is a total moron. Tells 3 women, on 3 consecutive dates that he is in love with them. How did he think that was going to end well??? Doofus.


Six weeks of the pickup line at school and one syllable answers from any topic he asked his kids about and he was like, “Nah, I would rather get hit by 350-pound dudes again”.


These are the best picture nominees. If I tried harder, I couldn’t know less about any of these movies. I actually have no idea if “Power of the Dog” has anything to do with a dog and I refuse to find out.

So, Licorice Pizza is better than Spider-man. C’MON!!!

GURU Conference Update:

Hey! Have you registered for the FREE VIRTUAL email conference my team is putting on???

Here is the link if you haven’t – www.GuruConference.com – We are gonna run out of spots. Hope you make it!

BTW – How are you? Shoot me a note and loop me in on how your marketing is going and how things are overall.




p.s. pass along to a friend if you think they may want to sign-up....www.JaySchwedelson.com

Are we connected on LinkedIn??? https://www.linkedin.com/in/schwedelson/

AND – PAST ISSUES OF SCOOP ARE NOW LIVE AT jayschwedelson.com/Scoops


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